Training On Demand

99003 VSWS Water Operator Certification Prep Course - TRAINING ON DEMAND Designed for operators of Very Small Water Systems with minimal or no treatment experience. The...
Price: $180
99008 ABCs of VFDs - TRAINING ON DEMAND Although Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs) are common in water and wastewater treatment plants for...
Member Price: $45
Non-Member Price: $55
99009 Chemical Feed Pumps 101 - TRAINING ON DEMAND This course presented by Danny Smith of Maltz Sales was recorded on 12/9/20 during MRWA's 40th...
Member Price: $45
Non-Member Price: $55
99011 Educating Your Board of Trustees - TRAINING ON DEMAND Ever wonder if your Board of Trustees understands the financial statements they receive monthly?...
Member Price: $45
Non-Member Price: $55
99012 Ethics, Fraud & Embezzlement - TRAINING ON DEMAND Every water utility is vulnerable to employees and fiduciaries engaging in unethical conduct that...
Member Price: $45
Non-Member Price: $55
99016 Full Cycle Hiring - TRAINING ON DEMAND Acquiring new talent in the water and wastewater industry is complicated enough as it is! Planning...
Member Price: $45
Non-Member Price: $55
99017 Grassroots Lobbying - TRAINING ON DEMAND Join Bradley Sawyer, MRWAs Government Affairs Director as he helps us understand why having input...
Member Price: $45
Non-Member Price: $55
99018 Introduction to Drive Harmonics - TRAINING ON DEMAND Larry Stanley from ABB presented this course on 12/9/20 during MRWA's 40th Annual Technical...
Member Price: $45
Non-Member Price: $55
99021 Simultaneous Compliance Issues - TRAINING ON DEMAND This course focuses on public water system rules and the issues that may arise when trying to...
Member Price: $45
Non-Member Price: $55
99022 Smart Utility Network - TRAINING ON DEMAND Dan Burdin of EJP and Travis Smith of Sensus lead a training focused on "smart" utility networks....
Member Price: $45
Non-Member Price: $55
99023 System & Operator Liability - TRAINING ON DEMAND Operating a utility is an enormous responsibility. The health and well being of your community...
Member Price: $45
Non-Member Price: $55
99024 The Science of Sampling - TRAINING ON DEMAND This course is presented by Rebecca Labranche of A&L Laboratory. It was recorded on 12/10/20...
Member Price: $45
Non-Member Price: $55