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99050 Performing A Water Loss Evaluation with GIS Data - TRAINING ON DEMAND

As technology advances, more opportunities are available to gather critical information regarding a distribution system. GIS can be a powerful tool when reviewing non-revenue water, by layering asset locations, prior leak information, new leak information, meter reads, etc. Providing a visual representation of potential ‘Hot Spots’. This data can be used, and added upon to create an up to date representation of a distributions systems activities, and used for proactive decision making. This presentation will review a distribution system that used GIS to perform a water loss evaluation, and the information collected.

Speaker: Nick Bates - EJ Prescott

This course was recorded on December 8-9, 2021 during the Maine Rural Water Association's 41st Annual Technical Conference and Trade Show.

Approved for 1.5 TCHs for Water Operations.

This course is NOT approved for DEP wastewater credits.
Non-Member Price: $55
Member Price: $45